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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ngangah's unexpected Belated Bday Surprise

There was actually no planning involved in celebrating Ngangah's bday, actually they just plan to have Domino's pizza at home hehehe after returning from Balad with some of the other crews....

Babah decided to but a ready made cake atu pun we said it was Ekmal's ice cream hehehe so ia inda suspect anything hehehhe..

The funny thing was when babah brought the cake out and sang Happy Birthday but accidently they thought it was Ekmal's birthday hehehe salah nama plg hehehhe

Ekmal iski lihat the candle

There was no pictures taken when we ate the pizza coz everyone was hungry n buzy eating but it was delicious

Wow look at babu's tummy getting big already another few more weeks to go....

Buzy sticking himself with stickers

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