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Friday, March 28, 2008

Ekmal From 0 - 12 months

My baby born early at only 7 months 2 weeks weighing at 1.35kg, his supposed due date was in early june but instead i gave birth to a miracle baby boy on 31st March 2007 that fall on same date as Nabi Muhammad's Birthday celebration. The sad thing was his father was not there to experience the moment.

Look at him sound a sleep, this was when he moved to the SCBU section.

At the NICU just waiting for his weight to reach 1.9kg where he can then go back home

At home after being in the SCBU and NICU for about a month and 2 weeks. His weight was about 1.95kg when he was discharged from the hospital.





Ekmal with his nini Sg Akar on their visit to Jeddah in November (Tahlia Mall)

Ekmal with his nini Sg Akar (Schezan Restaurant)

Ekmal with Babah

Ekaml with babu



Ekmal a few days before turning 1

Taken a few hours before turning 1

Thursday, March 27, 2008

MoRe Of EkMaL....

This was taken at Starbucks Hera Mall, i love the mocca late and java chip frap....sluurrppp...

This guy insists on holding Ekmal, my baby atu apa lagi mau tu begambar hehehe

Tu tidor tia, ngaleh kali after dari airport atu, tetidor -tidor tia.

Back at home, Ekmal was busy playing in his playland. He just loves that giraffe of his. Datang girigitan di gigit-gigit nya tu heheehhe kesian kesian

Ekmal with his ball hehehe suka ia main ni ball nya ani

There he goes trying to catch the ball
Nah dapat tia ball nya.....

Boh control lai kirai atu hehehe

Friday, March 21, 2008

ZiaraH at MadiNaH

Ekmal at 5.00am wide awake and ready for his flight to Madinah, awu basar mata atu hehehe

Munjung jua mulut atu hehehehe Ekmal & babah

Sempat lagi tu kan posing di kapal

At the hotel, ready to go ziarah

Ibu Shams a mutawf took me and Ekmal in to ziarah Makam Nabi and Raudah.

Madinah Dates Company, macam-macam kurma can be found, just name it semua ada from kurma covered in choclates, with nuts even coated with biscuits macam-macam ada......

Sibok babahnya atu, apa kan tu di lihat atu?

Ekaml lain pulang baibun sama arab kekeke ketawa nya

Madinah at night

Back at the hotel

complimentary given from the GM of the hotel ada jua kan di makan hehehe

There's Ekmal still wide awake

Sempat lagi senyum-senyum, balum lagi ngaleh anak babu ani

kalat sudah mata atu hehehe, ekaml with an iranian man that happen to be sitting at the lobby.

Pandai begambar my baby atu, asal lihat camera inda payah suroh senyum

Tu posing lagi hehehehe

Nah ngaleh tia sudah tu coz he fell asleep on the flight back to Jeddah

Nah bangun tia as we landed in Jeddah airport, waiting for uncle Amar to pick us up heheheh